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weCare was born out of a need to better understand Customers and address their concerns on the standard of service and care experienced during their visits.

To make it easier for Customers to provide feedback, weCare has multiple communication channels to facilitate the process. Customers can choose their preferred method of communication, and rest assured that their feedback will be received and recorded, and addressed promptly where necessary.

weCare values all feedback, be it compliments or complaints. Through such feedback, weCare aims to identify key areas of improvement so as to enhance Customers’ experience, and make their visit as pleasant as can be!



with weCare, we have implemented the following good business practices:

1Multi-structured Feedback channel
Besides good business practices and systems, there should be multiple avenue with proper and clearly defined dispute resolution mechanisms for customers.

2Well defined policy
A clearly articulated and documented policy, which must be properly explained to customers and adhered to according to the terms and conditions of the contract between the company and customers.
3Online Request
Customers can request for refund of purchases via our online refund request form. Submitted requests will be attended to by our weCare ambassador by the next working day.

Well defined policy

The following terms and conditions are a summary of the terms and conditions stated in the Consultation Card. In the absence of the Consultation Card, the following terms and conditions shall govern the relationship between you as the Customer and the Company:
  1. Please note that the outcome of our treatment is subjective. Results may vary between individuals. All home care products provided under the above package are specially customized to suit your needs and/or condition(s) and solely for your use only;

  2. Please note that all products used or to be used in the Company’s service have no known side effects but in the unlikely event of skin irritation due to your own allergies/sensitive skin, the Company will not be held liable. Any product or service offered by the Company is solely cosmetic in nature. In any event, the Company’s entire liability shall be limited to damages of an amount not more than the amount received for all its services(s) and/or product(s);

  3. Please note that individually listed price will be calculated for any discontinuation or cancellation of service/treatment packages (with cancellation charge and admin charge applicable) and any complimentary products/treatments will be charged accordingly should you have been given additional package price reductions instead of paying the individually listed prices. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall be first submitted for mediation at the Malaysian Mediation Centre (MMC) where parties will share the cost of mediation equally;

  4. Please note that you are required to sign on the Customer Card for each and every treatment and product received. The Customer Card shall prevail over any other record(s) in the event of any dispute and/or discrepancy. Please note that all services rendered are strictly non-refundable;

  5. These terms and conditions shall apply to all the Customer’s subsequent purchase(s) of services and/or products from the Company, and that the Company’s rights, interests and obligation herein shall be binding upon its successors or assigns resulting from any subsequent corporate restructuring, merger or consolidation;


for your thoughts